Sandman Sleep Salve

from $12.00

Poor sleep (difficulty falling asleep/staying asleep) is the #1 concern that my customers come to me with.

I cannot relate. I am good sleeper. A really good sleeper. And thankfully so are my kids. My husband on the other hand is not. He developed poor sleeping habits as a child that have plagued him well into adulthood. I could tell he was always running on empty, and I wanted to help him get the rest his body needed. I didn’t love the idea of using commercial sleep aids—not even melatonin—because of the side effects and potential dependance. So, I developed this salve for him. He has never consistently used it (sigh). You can lead a horse to water, am I right?!?

Although Andy doesn’t use it regularly, I do however have customers who swear buy Sandman Salve. It is an all-natural salve that promotes better sleep by calming the senses. It helps you reduce restlessness by relaxing and quieting your mind. Perk—it makes your feet super soft and is also safe for all ages.

Worried about Andy’s sleep? Rest assured. (See what I did there?) He has made some progress and seems to be sleeping better these days. I think him kicking coffee made the biggest difference. He used to drink an absurd amount of coffee every day, all day. Turns out we are both recovering coffee addicts.

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“I’ve been using GHR products for a few years and I love every single one of them!! I had been on a RX hand cream due to my hands cracking. I started using Slick Fix and I was able to go off of my RX. I have many tattoos, there is NOTHING that heals them better than Slick Fix. Lip balm is great, Sandman Salve is AMAZING, Happy Hair is awesome, Clear Complexion really keeps your skin clear- works amazing on 11yr old boys.  My 8yr old gets severely chapped lips in the winter and I turn to Slick Fix bc it’s the only thing that almost heals them overnight. I love them all!!”

- Casie Y.