Clear Complexion


You wouldn’t know it now, but I struggled with “angry” skin most of my 20’s and even parts of my 30’s. After my 4th baby, my skin was at its all-time worst! I was at the point where I literally had tried everything, and I just thought that I was going to have bad skin the rest of my life.

You see, I have oily skin and I had spent the majority of my life buying into conventional wisdom and believing oil was the enemy. I was over washing my face and using really harsh products in an effort to try and get rid of the oil my skin was producing. You guessed it. The more I would try and strip the oil the more oil my skin produced.

Enter, this little gem. This all-natural facial moisturizer for acne-prone skin will help nourish & hydrate skin while keeping blemish causing bacteria at bay. Moisture is key my friends—yes, even if you have oily skin. I know. It sounds counterintuitive. Trust me! If you keep your skin moisturized, your natural oil production will balance out. I still have oily skin but it’s happy and I can live with that!

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“I’ve been using GHR products for a few years and I love every single one of them!! I had been on a RX hand cream due to my hands cracking. I started using Slick Fix and I was able to go off of my RX. I have many tattoos, there is NOTHING that heals them better than Slick Fix. Lip balm is great, Sandman Salve is AMAZING, Happy Hair is awesome, Clear Complexion really keeps your skin clear- works amazing on 11yr old boys.  My 8yr old gets severely chapped lips in the winter and I turn to Slick Fix bc it’s the only thing that almost heals them overnight. I love them all!!”

- Casie Y.