Breathe Easy

from $12.00

As I started looking to “clean” up the products in our home, the commercial vapor rub in my cabinet was at the top of my list. Have you ever looked into the ingredients? You guys, it’s Bad. That’s bad with a capital B!

I don’t want to get on a soap box here, but these commercial vapor rubs are made of a petroleum by-product and contain known irritants (like Camphor) that are toxic and actually cause an increase in mucus production. WHAT!?! Not to mention they should not be used on children under age 2 and should NEVER be used directly under the nose!

Thanks to my “if you want it done right attitude,” Breathe Easy was developed. My Breathe Easy vapor rub is a soothing all-natural vapor rub. It helps relieve cough & congestion discomfort from common colds, flu & sinus infections. It is also safe for children (and adults) of all ages, and you can apply it anywhere—well, not your eyes. Do not apply it there.

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All jars and rollerballs are refillable. Contact me for a discount on refills.